Saturday, May 19, 2018

2018 MAI Handler's Meeting

The Second Annual MAI Handler’s Meeting convened at 3:00 pm and was called to order by MARC President, Bob Swift. 

MARC President, Bob Swift
The first order of business was that the address for the Hayden property could not be accessed due to highway construction. The new directions from the Best Western headquarters are:
1      1. Go north on Route 65 for 4.6 miles to Route HH and turn right.
2      2. Continue 2.1 miles to Tanglenook Road and turn left.
3      3. Continue 1.8 miles on Tanglenook Road to Gate on the right.
        4. Enter the gate and go 2/10 of a mile and follow the MARC directional signs to the test.

At 7 am each day there will be a bitch check for the female dogs. Dogs will run in order. The Test dogs are at 7:45 and the first running dog will be at 8:00 am.

When arriving at your test site, always sign in with your line marshal.

Callbacks will be given at the site when each series is completed.

There will be two test dogs per stake:
Test Dog One
Steller XXV, LM “Steller”
11/15/10, FC Merlyn IV ex Windrivers Powder Key MH
Owner/Handler: Brook Douglas

Test Dog Two
Emberain 3.14, GM “Pi”
8/20/14, Gracie Creek Willie JH ex Emberain Late Harvest JH
Owners: Roy & Joan Fray; Handler: Roy Fray

Test Dog Three
Good Idea’s Talkin Country Blues, LM “Hooker”
9/8/15, NAFC FC Mulligan Off The Rainy “T” ex FC AFC Good Idea’s National Pair
Owners: Jim & Sarah Wonnell; Handler: Jim “Doc” Wonnell

Test Dog Four
R&A’s Swift Song QAA, LF “Taylor”
11/22/11, FC-AFC Big Alfonse Capone Of Mo-Kan ex R&A’s Reggae Girl M
Owners: Rip & Allison Shively; Handler: Rip Shively

Weather safety was stressed: if there is lightening within 7 miles of the event, it will be shut down until there has been no lightening for 30 minutes.

The weather is warm, please take care getting shade and hydration. There are a lot of seeds in the grass and it was recommended to everyone that they buy a saline solution to have on hand to flush their dog’s eyes.

Be aware Flight B will have a defibrillator.

Please treat the Hayden’s property with respect by keeping your speed down.

The food wagon will be on the property for breakfast and lunch each day opening at 7 am.

2018 MAI Judges Panel: (L-R) David Coffey, Tom Dorroh, Julie Cairns and Keith Kiesow

The Judges were introduced by Bob Swift. Julie Cairns, Keith Kiesow, Tom Dorroh and David Coffey came up on stage to receive their gifts. Keith Kiesow was chosen to give the instructions to the handlers.

  1. Have fun, relax and be sure to help and volunteer.
  2. Thanks was given to Barbara and Bob Hayden for the use of their property and to the fantastic set-up crew.
  3. Gun safety will be watched very closely. The handlers will be required to shoulder the gun.
  4. It is going to be hot for the dogs and handlers all week. The judges may tell a handler to handle their dog if an extended hunt is in progress.
  5. The property is loaded with ticks and poison ivy and the handlers were advised to take precautions.
  6. Running dogs will be released on their number.
  7. Go behind the judges to put your dog on leash.
  8. On a walk-up, the handler and dog will proceed towards a ribbon The handler may will or say “Sit!” when the bird is at the top of the arc. Both the handler and the dog must stop.
  9. There will be no “creep line.”
  10. The dog may honor in any position as long as they can see the bird.
  11. Appropriate attire is required of both the handlers and gallery.
  12. Traffic: follow the directional signs and use only the designated areas for airing your dog.
  13. No bird: go back three, run fourth; second no-bird: go back six, run seventh; third no-bird: go back twelve, run thirteenth; and fourth you go to the end.

Macy Swift, Hunt Test Secretary
Macy Swift, Hunt Test Secretary, read the sixteen scratches:
a.     Flight A: 17, 18, 21, 24, 63, 77, 82
b.     Flight B: 8, 26, 38, 43, 50, 64, 68, 76, 83
The Workers’ Party will be in the Agricultural Building on Tues, May 22, 2018.

Frankie Prendergast called a volunteer to pick the starting dog number for tomorrow. It was #25. Handlers Mary Gregg from Flight A and David Ilias from Flight B came up to the podium to receive their commemorative handler guns with the John O. Blackbird Memorial emblem on them.

The rotation is as follows: 25, 39, 53, 67, 81, 11.

Bob Swift adjourned the meeting reminding folks to come back in 25 minutes for the MARC General Meeting.