"The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" is a Water Triple with a Diversion Shot, Land Blind and a Water Blind. On the right of the test, a gun station throws a dead bird
to the left onto the dyke at 80 yards. To the left of the mat is a “Mom &
Pop” gun station that shoots and throws a dead bird to the right landing at the
end of a point at 47 yards. The third bird is a large throw to the left up the
hill at 35 yards.
After the dog picks up this go-bird, there is a Diversion
Shot. After all three marks are picked up, the dog runs a Water Blind angle
entry into the pond to the right at 60 yards. Finally, the dog runs the
Land Blind under the arc of the left hand bird located 51 yards from the mat.
When we arrived at Flight A this afternoon, they had run about half their dogs. Several dogs have handled on the right hand mark. The gallery called this mark "interrupted," because the throw went behind a large tree to the right of the line and was obscured from view from a moment. Many dogs went over the dyke and had to be handled back to where they could wind it.